How do chronic diseases affect cosmetic surgical procedures?
Initially, the word "chronic" in the language means something that is prolonged and intensified. Medically, chronic disease is a disease that lasts for a long time and develops slowly, unlike "acute" diseases that appear suddenly and develop quickly.
Chronic disease is associated with several factors, including:
Genetic or hereditary factors: the risk of developing a chronic disease increases if it exists in the family history.
Nutritional factors: an unhealthy diet full of saturated fats and sugars may lead to chronic diseases such as heart and vascular diseases and diabetes.
Psychological factors: severe psychological stress may lead to chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Smoking: smoking is one of the leading causes of chronic diseases, as it increases the risk of respiratory diseases, heart and vascular diseases, and lung cancer.
If a chronic disease is diagnosed early, treatment is more effective and provides an opportunity to control and prevent its progression. Early diagnosis can also lead to cost savings, as treating the disease in its early stages is less expensive than treating it in advanced stages.
As for chronic diseases and their reasons for hindering general and cosmetic surgeries, they are as follows:
- Hypertension:
Surgical procedures pose a risk to patients with high blood pressure because they may lead to an increase in blood pressure and expose the patient to the risk of health complications.
During a surgical procedure, many medications and surgical techniques are used that can affect blood pressure, such as anesthesia, antibiotics, and materials used in surgical procedures. If blood pressure is not well controlled during the surgical procedure, it can lead to an increased risk of serious health complications such as stroke and heart attack.
- Diabetes Mellitus:
Surgeries pose a risk to diabetic patients because they often have poor control over their blood sugar levels, which increases the risk of serious health complications during and after surgery. The glycated hemoglobin level should not exceed 6.5 at most.
Various medications and antibiotics used during surgery can affect blood sugar levels, which may increase the likelihood of serious complications such as wound infections, slow recovery, infections, and surgical failure.
- Cardiovascular diseases:
Cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, arterial diseases, and high cholesterol levels increase the risk of complications during surgeries. Anesthesia, artificial respiration, and blood flow can affect the function of the heart and blood vessels and lead to serious complications such as blood clots, low blood pressure, heart attacks, and organ failure.
- Hypothyroidism:
Hypothyroidism significantly affects surgeries, as this disease affects the body's function in general, and may lead to serious complications during and after surgeries.
The thyroid hormone regulates basic body functions such as metabolism, growth, development, and functions of the digestive and nervous systems. When there is insufficient thyroid hormone in the body, it leads to hypothyroidism and affects the body's function in general.
One of the main effects of hypothyroidism on surgeries is an increased risk of complications such as wound infections, bleeding, or post-surgical infections, due to the immune system dysfunction and its negative effects on wound healing.
Therefore, patients with hypothyroidism should consult their doctor before surgery to evaluate their health status and discuss any potential risks or complications during and after the surgery. Medication dosages can be adjusted or treatment changed to improve body function and reduce the risk of complications. Additionally, the medical team should closely monitor the patient's condition during and after surgery to minimize the risk of complications and provide necessary care.
- Respiratory Diseases (Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD, Pneumonia):
For patients with respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia, undergoing surgery can be risky due to the negative impact it can have on the respiratory system. Surgery and anesthesia can increase the risk of pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, and decreased oxygen levels in the blood, which can lead to respiratory dysfunction. Additionally, surgery increases the risk of pulmonary embolism, which can cause serious health problems. Therefore, patients with respiratory diseases should consult their doctor before undergoing any surgery.
- Autoimmune Diseases
The effects of surgery on patients with autoimmune diseases depend on the type of autoimmune disease they have, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, Psoriasis, Ulcerative Colitis, Viral Hepatitis, and Type 1 diabetes. Patients with HIV can undergo cosmetic surgery if they receive the necessary treatment to control the virus and ensure their health stability before surgery.
This depends on several factors, including the type of cosmetic surgery required and the patient's overall health condition. Each case must be evaluated individually to determine whether the patient can safely undergo the surgery and recover from it.
It is also important to ensure the proper use of sterilized medical supplies and to minimize any possibility of virus transmission during surgery.
Patients with HIV must consult their treating physician before undergoing any cosmetic surgery and strictly follow medical guidelines to minimize infection risks and ensure the success and safety of the surgery.
Medicine is constantly advancing, and medical solutions can be found to perform some simple surgeries for those with any of the diseases, through tests and the surgeon's evaluation of each case individually. Patients should be fully informed about the risks and challenges associated with surgery.
Ultimately, close collaboration between the doctor and the patient can achieve the best results and reduce any potential risks when undergoing surgery.
Chronic diseases significantly affect cosmetic surgical procedures, as they can increase the risks of surgery and impact its results.